RITA eliminates the "Hold Time" of calling in, therefore eliminating the need to wait in queue.
Yes, RITA has a powerful search engine to allow you to search previous applications by unit number and / or date to simplify finding your previous application.
When you apply for your permit, you have the option to indicate that there is "No Oil Company".
For Heavy Haul & Drilling Rigs application, you can enter multiple loads in one as long as all units are going to and from the same location. RITA provides the ability to model from previous permits, saving you valuable time.
Our permit specialists will determine the shortest route from the closest primary/secondary highway that best avoids restrictions.
No, applications submitted through RITA receive a $2.00 discount PLUS it offers the opportunity to earn RITA Rewards for simply applying for your permits on-line.
You earn 100 RITA Rewards for each Overweight Permit (Service Rigs, Heavy Hauls and Drilling Rigs) completed and processed though the on-line system. Monthly Licenses and Access Permits completed and processed through the on-line system will earn 50 RITA Rewards.
Your RITA Rewards can be redeemed for such items as gift cards. For a complete list, click here.
Yes, you can apply for moves going to other Provinces or within other Provinces.
You can SAVE the application at any point and come back to complete it later.
No, the system keeps your unit information “on file” so it automatically fills in the required data when you select the unit. If you have a “default unit” set with your log in, that information is selected for each permit when you start the application. This saves time on every application.
Yes, once you have entered an origin or destination you can open a detailed interactive map that will show restrictions, restricted bridges, road bans, construction and areas to avoid.
Yes, you can print a full colour map based on what you see on the screen. This colour map can show restrictions for restricted bridges, road bans, construction and areas to avoid with a legend to interpret what the various colours and symbols mean.
Roadata tracks information such as annual permits, weights, dimensions and specifications for most units. You can view ALL the units we have in our system and even print off a Specification sheet for them if you want. You can produce a listing of all units and you can even apply for Registry services such as requesting a duplicate copy of your registration.
This will depend on a number of variables such as the Municipalities you are moving in, the type of permit, what time of day you apply etc. Our Permit Specialist will obtain your approval as fast as possible.